Beginners Guide to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Clickbank is one of the easiest ways to get started promoting products as an affiliate. Unlike other affiliate networks, you don't have to have a website in order to be approved as an affiliate. In fact, you don't have to do much of anything to sign up aside from have an email address. You can use as a means to generate easy links that you can use in any number of different internet promotion strategies.

Affiliate networks are another source of finding products to promote. These types of sites coordinate the relationship between the advertisers and the publishers. This may be a great way to get additional products and services to sell, but should be used after you've already gotten your feet wet elsewhere. Some more popular affiliate networks are Commission Junction, Link Share, and Share a Sale.

If you're not anxious to sell anything, you can still make money as an affiliate through CPA networks. These are typically companies that will pay you to get your visitors to take some action. This may be as simple as filling out a form, or a survey for which the company whose services or products you're promoting will pay you a bounty for a lead.

You can promote affiliate programs through classified ad websites. Some easy ones to use for affiliate programs are,,, and check out as many local classified ad sites sponsored by either local newspapers, tv or radio. The benefit to these types of sites are that they have built-in promotion. The radio, tv and newspaper will typically promote through advertising their own classified sites which means they will get traffic. Craigslist is also a good option but must be used with care simply because Craiglist will "ghost" your ads which basically means they won't make it to the category listings on Cragislist which will severely limit their visibility.

Article marketing is another way to drive some significant traffic to your website. The benefits to article marketing include the fact that many of the article websites rank very well with the search engines and usually get a significant amount of traffic internally as well. This means that you can submit articles to some of the more popular directories and have those articles read and reviewed. Your author profile or your resources box at the bottom of the article can include your link to your website. Some article sites have more strict guidelines on what you can or can't use those for, so be sure to read the policies before you submit your articles.

Social networking is very popular and often times a relationship through some of these social media sites can generate some good sales. People will buy things based on the recommendation of a friend or acquaintance. If you're participating in social networks where the interactions and relationships are based on a specific topic, find a product that you can promote that adds value to people within that category. If you're part of a network where the members of that network are all dog owners, promote a dog training video series or ebook about dog training.

Blogging is perhaps the easiest way to get a website created without having to learn html or some new software. Blogs can be used to discuss benefits of ownership of a specific product (which you'll promote as an affiliate) or some service that you can also promote as an affiliate. One key to success with blogging is consistency. If you can be consistent with your blogging, you'll add a lot of power to strategy.

A more "traditional" or "old school" website can work as well. I wouldn't recommend this method for most people as the automation and upkeep is typically not very easy and your ability to leverage other people's work is diminished significantly. If you want to run your own website, I'd still recommend that you consider a blog platform, such as wordpress that will help you manage your content, but not have to rely on knowing any html and the look and the feel of the site is very customizable.

Pay per click advertising is another way to drive traffic to your website or affiliate program. This is one of the methods that can have the best results based on the ability to track visitors and what actions they take based on what words they just searched for. With this knowledge comes significant power because if you can approach pay per click advertising scientifically and make this a "numbers game", you'll always be able to get traffic, test what converts and what doesn't and keep what works and drop what doesn't. This is a sure way to be profitable if you can get past the initial expense of the learning curve.

This article is meant to simply introduce you to some of the ways to promote affiliate products and services. If you're serious about pursuing any of these methods, use the internet to find great content. Spend some time on some affiliate marketing forums and ask around what other people are doing and how they're successful. Remember, though, nothing can replace actually getting out there and trying these things for yourself. There's only so much you'll be able to do without trying this first hand. Good luck with your efforts.

By Brian Armstrong

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