Search Engine Optimization For Tech Dummies

Advertising your site on search engines like google is not free, since every click you get costs you money.

If you do some search engine optimization, you can get the search engines to like your pages more, and then they will list them in the organic results (the results people see when they search).

Google has this thing called a quality score, which is measured by something called Page Rank. Not even Larry Page knows how it is calculated, but I can show you some simple steps you can take to get higher search engine results and higher Page Rank.

Sound cool? Then lets dig into things you can do to get good rankings in the search engines.

1. Have other sites link to your pages using keywords.

I mean, do stuff to get other sites to point to your site, using a link phrase that people actually search for.

A great way to do this is to write informative articles and use the author box to link back to your site, then submit your article to many article directories.

2. Put your keyword in your title tag.

Putting your keyword in your title makes it show up in the very top left of your browser window, and tells the search engines what your page is all about.

3. Include your keyword in your headline.

The headline is the big text on your web page. It is the "H1" tag, if you look at the code for your page. Your page should have only one big headline, and your keyword should be in it.

4. Include similar keywords on your web page.

Some folks call this semantic indexing, but you can ignore those big words, and simply write meaningful stuff on your page, and you will have related words that tell the search engines that this is stuff that humans should see.

5. Remove the programming jargon from your main html file.

A lot of web page tools stuff a ton of programming junk at the top of the generated html file, and it confuses the heck out of the search engine spiders. Be sure to have any javascript or "css" stuff moved into separate files and linked from your main html file. That way, the spider bots can read plain english without tripping over squiggles and backslashes.

6. Use full domain names to link to your pages.

This means instead of linking to flowers.html, you should link to This makes the search engines visit your other pages, and list them in their results.

7. Keep your website fresh.

Frequent updates means your site is alive and dynamic, and this will cause the search engine spiders to come often, and keep you listed high in their results, since you have the latest, most important publications.

Try these tips out, and watch your search engine results rise higher and higher. It is simple when you know what to do.

By Jack Sinclair

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