How to Build One Way Links for Your Website

Blog owners need to focus on two very important facts in order to be successful. They require knowledge of this SEO technique in order to achieve maximum traffic results for their blog. These simple techniques to be mastered are RSS feeds and one way link building. There is a way to achieve both these with one very powerful SEO strategy that many blog owners overlook.

What is it that makes these techniques so important and powerful? Building one way links to one's blog is the key to oodles of natural search engine traffic. This can be achieved through the use of a reliable blog pinging service. Any webmaster or blog owner who fails to learn this will find themselves paying a lot more for their links and working many times harder than necessary.

Blog pinging services help automate or at least semi-automate the pinging process which notifies various blog directories and RSS feed aggregators of the fact your blog has been updated. These links in turn have a very high weight in the search engine algorithms and thus are more valuable to the blog owner.

There is an offshoot benefit to this when these services readers decide they like your content and decide to give you a link from there website. This can cause an almost viral spin to your blog when more people see these posts, visit your site, and further decide to link to you and the whole cycle starts over with a new wave of secondary traffic.

How One Way Links Benefit Your Traffic Strategy

There are a couple of large reasons why it is so imperative to your traffic generation plan. One of these main points is that it carries extra weight in your Page Rank calculation as this builds links from high authority sites and thus boost your own Page Rank. This in turn boosts your natural search engine ranking and delivers more traffic. These are also one way inbound links, which have even greater weight in the search engines.

The higher your page rank, the more likely you are to benefit from free targeted traffic from searches. Secondly, real human visitors and not just search bots follow one-way links. The more your link is displayed across the web on high traffic sites targeting a similar audience, the more genuinely interested people will click on a link to your site.

Specialty blog search engines should be a key strategy in your blogs traffic generation plan. Many blog owners and fans of blogs search these blog search engines almost exclusively for content they are in need of. If they find your blog to be of use to their readers, they will in turn link to you from their blogs building yet more one way links to your site.

This can in turn get a conversation going on at your blog through your blogs comments section and generate a "buzz" which will get even more notice be fellow bloggers who in turn will bookmark you at their favorite social bookmarking site bringing in even more traffic. Among the most significant of these blog, engines are Sphere, Ice Rocket, and the giant of them all - Technorati.

By KC Kudra

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