The Easy Way To Collect Backlinks

Let me use a bit of time to tell you about a moment in every website owners life - the site you worked hard to build has been up and running for 6 months. You are getting some sales but they are way short of your expectations when you decided to burn the midnight oil and go into this venture, hoping to maybe make your mortgage payment with the income from the site and get you a little more comfortable with your life. The search engines all know you are out there because they have you listed. You have read all about how to use Googles tools and have a nice sitemap submitted. You have studied metatags and practically learned a whole new language regarding how the world wide web really works.

But when you go to find your site using the keywords your webmaster told you he would get ranked with when people search you are not anywhere near the top. In fact, for most of the words, a person would need to click through 10-12 pages of listings to find yours. If they did just that, their likelihood of purchasing from you is pretty low because, hey, Google has you listed 110 for that main keyword that you think your site is all about. And they probably trust Google more than they do you.

This is a common place many website owners find themselves at during some point in their business venture. They followed all the SEO rules but do not have their site ranked. They did all of the cool things they knew how to do, but they still are not ranked. The missing ingredient to the great taste of success for the owner of this website is backlinks.

Backlinks are links that other websites put on their sites that provide a way for a viewer to get directly to your site by clicking on a term that will take them directly to their point of interest. The search engines love backlinks because they help to determine relevant sites for a search term. If a user is searching for vacuum cleaners and your site has a good number of backlinks to it with the term vacuum cleaners embedded into them, then the search engines will say to themselves, Wow, this must be a relevant site for that term because many sites are giving the opportunity for a viewer to get directly to this site if they are interested in this term. It will give your web site a high ranking when a general user requests information for that search term.

Now that I have explained the concept to you, here is the hard partgetting sites to provide links to your site. Many people use the slow and painful approach by approaching website owners to give them a backlink in exchange for one from their site from yours. Most website owners do not want to trade down in website popularity (their site is more popular than yours is because yours is new) so they reject your offer. Site owners then begin to pay for the links to sweeten the deal for website owners and begin to pay a lot of money to get the links. The return on this activity is hard to calculate because there is such a large block of time involved in getting each deal signed, paid and then spent in verifying that the link is real and active. It is a hard way to go.

There are several firms who have developed a way to cease this madness from taking place. They offer a backlinking service that will put their site directly linking to yours with proper anchor text to help your search engine rankings improve dramatically. They will let you keep the backlinks forever so you can pay them until you get the ranking you desire and then stop. The cash outlay is acceptable for a real web business, usually around $100 per month per keyword to get 100 or so backlinks per month. For many frustrated website owners, locating and then partnering with a backlink service company has opened the door to success of finally getting the traffic they need to be profitable resulting from the high organic search engine rankings.

By Chuck R Stewart

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