Three Tips and Ways To Make Money Online For Free

There are many ways to make money online for free at home using your own computer and your sweat and time. You can easily make several hundred to several thousand dollars if you learn the few tips on how to submit articles online.

Way #1

Writing articles and submitting them to article directories is a sure-fire method to make money online for free. What better way to start online that with just your own hard work without having to spend a dime? First, you go to Clickbank and Paydotcom and choose a popular product that is selling quite well. Look for the stats of that product such as how high the number called "gravity" is rating. If it is high, pick that one.

Way #2

The most important thing to do first is to do your keyword research as this will determine if the search engines pick up your article to promote it. If you look for a term that has low competition in how many pages appear, you have picked one that will be "spidered" and will get listed quickly, often on the first page of Google. Look for a term that is searched for at least 300 times a day and even better, if it has ads besides that term which means that people are paying to show that term.


When you find the keyword that is popular, look to find one similar or one that is a long phrase that does not have many pages of competition but has a lot of ads. If Google or MSN are running ads for that term, you can rest assured that someone is paying for an ad and making a good bit of money from that ad. Many keyword tools will tell you how much people are paying per click for that particular keyword which is also a big hint.

Examine that most popular keyword and form your article around it, being sure that you include that keyword in your title, a couple of times in your article and also in your bio box pointing back to your page. If you choose keywords that are high paying pay per click words, you will also make more Adsense income.

After you submit your article to article directories or article submission services to do it for you, then you will probably be happy to see your article be spread around the internet. Other blog owners look for content and as long as the article bio box is left as it is with the original links, they are allowed to republish and add their own as well.

The more articles you write, the more the odds are that you will make even more money. Just repeat this process as often as you can. You are only limited by your own efforts. The sky truly is the limit in how much money online you can make for free by simply writing articles.

You must submit articles every day that you can possibly write one since the key is to be consistent. A slow, trickle of content or articles leading back to your website is what the search engines love. By writing articles and submitting them, you can find an easy way to make money online for free!

By Kristie Chiles

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